Birmingham Athletic Partnership is a non-profit dedicated to providing resources for Birmingham public schools’ athletics, cheerleading and band programs. Their contributions help supply leadership, education, facilities and equipment that assist students to excel.
Do you know of a school that could use Birmingham Athletic Partnership’s funding? Fill out our form to be considered for a donation.
If you’re a senior high school student involved with athletics, cheerleading or band, apply for one of our scholarships for a chance to further your education.
Would you like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Birmingham Athletic Partnership?
- Student Sports Camps in football, volleyball, basketball, band, softball, baseball
- Leadership Seminars in football, volleyball, cheerleading, basketball, spring sports
- Professional Development
- Seminars and leadership training for coaches, athletic directors, principals
- Purchase of Equipment & Uniforms for football, volleyball, and cheerleading.
- Student Camp for cheerleaders
- Purchase Equipment & Uniforms for boys and girls track, basketball and wrestling
- Newsletter
- Bowling/Swimming
- Purchase Equipment & Uniforms for baseball, softball, boys and girls soccer
- Scholarship to seniors
- Tubb Bell Award
- All Sports Trophy Award
Stay in-the-know with updates like team achievements and scholarship recipients by signing up for our newsletter mailing list.
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